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Helios Nanolab 600 FEI

FEI Helios NanoLab 600 DualBeam FIB/SEM (Room 102MB)
Dual Beam FIBs are a type of instrumentation that consist of a high-resolution SEM column with a fine-probe ion source (Focused Ion Beam). The Helios NanoLab™ 600 is equipped with a high resolution Elstar™ electron column with a Field Emission Gun (FEG) electron source. It is capable of imaging with a resolution better than 1 nm @ 15 kV and 2.5 nm at 1 kV beam energies. The Gallium ion beam (Tomahawk™ ion column) can image and remove material down to 5nm resolution levels. This instrument is capable of preparing S/TEM specimens from specific areas of a sample as well as nano-machining and 3-D imaging. Adding to the imaging and sputtering capabilities are a SDD XEDS detector and an electron backscatter diffraction detector for orientation imaging. Also available is an OmniProbe AutoProbe™ 200 in-situ sample lift-out system allowing for the preparation of site specific TEM samples without the need for support films.
You can see more specifications of the system below.

FEI Helios Nanolab 600

• Elstar UHR immersion lens FESEM column
◦ Accelerating voltage range: 350 V – 30 kV
◦ Beam deceleration with stage bias from -50 V to -4 kV
▪ Landing voltage range 20 V – 30 kV
◦ Probe current range: 0.7 pA to 22 nA
◦ Electron beam resolution at optimum WD
▪ 0.8 nm at 30 kV (STEM)
▪ 0.9 nm at 15 kV
▪ 1.4 nm at 1 kV
◦ Electron beam resolution at coincident point
▪ 0.9 nm at 15 kV
▪ 1.6 nm at 5 kV
▪ 2.5 nm at 1 kV
• Tomahawk ion column
◦ Accelerating voltage range: 0.5 – 30 kV
◦ Probe current range: 0.1 pA – 65 nA with 15 apertures
◦ Time-of-flight (TOF) correction
◦ Ion beam resolution at coincident point
▪ 4.0 nm at 30 kV using preferred statistical method
▪ 2.5 nm at 30 kV using selective edge method
• High precision 5-axes motorized stage
◦ XY: 150 mm, piezo-driven
◦ Z: 10 mm, motorized
◦ T: -10º – 60º
◦ R: n x 360º (endless), piezo-driven
◦ Tilt accuracy (between 50º to 54º): 0.1º
◦ X, Y repeatability: 1.0 µm
• Detectors
◦ Elstar in-lens SE detector (TLD-SE)
◦ Elstar in-lens BSE detector (TLD-BSE)
◦ Everhart-Thornley SE detector (ETD)
◦ IR camera for viewing sample/column
◦ High performance Ion Conversion and Electron (ICE) detector for secondary ions (SI) and electrons (E)
◦ Retractable STEM detector with BF/DF/HAADF segments
• Chamber
◦ 4mm E- and I-beam coincidence point at analytical WD
◦ Angle between electron and ion columns: 52º
◦ Maximum sample size: 150 mm diameter with full rotation
◦ Maximum clearance between stage and coincidence point: 55 mm
◦ Sample Weight: maximum 500 g (including the sample holder)
• Image processor
◦ Dwell time range from 0.025 to 25,000 µs/pixel
◦ up to 6144 x 4096 pixels
◦ SmartSCAN (256 frame average or integration, line integration and averaging, interlaced scanning) and DCFI (Drift Compensated Frame Integration)
• Supporting software
◦ "Beam per quad" graphical user interface concept, with up to 4 simultaneously active quads
◦ FEI SPI, iSPI, iRTM and FIB immersion mode for advanced, real-time SEM And FIB process monitoring and endpointing
◦ Patterns supported: lines, rectangles, polygons, circles, annuli, cross-sections, and cleaning cross-sections
◦ Image registration
◦ Directly imported BMP file or streamfile for 3D milling and deposition
◦ Material file support for "minimum loop time", beam tuning and independent overlaps
• Accessories
◦ Gas Injection Systems
▪ Platinum deposition
▪ Carbon deposition
◦ Omniprobe AutoProbe 200 in situ sample lift-out system
◦ FIB Charge Neutralizer
◦ AutoFIB
▪ macro and script-based DualBeam automation
▪ automatic acquisition of large images and correlative work
◦ AutoTEM
▪ automated TEM sample preparation with sectioning
◦ GDStoDB and NanoBuilder
▪ basic and advanced FEI proprietary CAD-based (GDSII) solutions for FIB and beam deposition optimized nanoprototyping of complex structures
◦ AutoSlice and View
▪ automated sequential mill and view to collect series of slice images for 3D reconstruction